ITG is a Technology Support company.
What does that mean? Think of us as an extension of your in-house IT staff. We can take on those extra IT tasks that your company may not have the resources, the time, or the staff to handle in a cost-effective and time-sensitive manner.
ITG actively partners with other successful companies in the software world to better address client needs. By working together and combining skill sets, we can deliver solutions to clients faster and at a lower cost.
ITG has been in the technology support business since 1989 and has developed a wide range of technology support tools and skills. We can provide technology support in several areas. Some of the most popular tools are described in more detail below.

Metal business cards with QR codes
How much does your company spend each year printing business cards?
For many businesses, the cost of printing business cards can be a significant expense. Every time a new employee is hired, or an existing employee changes their job title, telephone number, business address, or other contact information, new business cards must be printed.
We have a solution to that problem.
With our new QR code metallic business cards, you can:
Eliminate the cost of printing business cards
Make instant updates to contact information
Create a new Contact card digitally
With our new QR code metallic business cards, each employee only needs ONE business card. Since the business card is laser-etched onto metal, it is very durable. Each metallic business card is about the same size as a credit card.

On the front of the card, the company name and logo appear. On the reverse side, the employee’s name is shown, along with a unique QR code.

When the QR code is scanned with a smart phone, a web page opens with all of the contact information for that employee.
If any of this information changes, it is simple to update the employee web page with the new information. There is no need to re-print the business card.
On the employee web page there are buttons to initiate a telephone call, send an email, or send a text message to the employee.
There is also a button to create a new Contact card on the scanning smart phone. When the user clicks on this button, the app will create a new Contact card complete with the employee’s information already added to it. There is no need for the user to manually create a Contact card. It all happens digitally.
The employee web page can also contain a link back to the company’s own web site to provide additional information about the company.
Try it out yourself. Scan the QR code in the sample above to see how the process actually works.
For more information about our metallic QR code business cards, please give us a call. We will be happy to answer any questions about how QR codes work, what information can be contained on the employee web page, volume pricing, and so on.
Do you need to process more than 100 vendor invoices daily?
Is it taking too long to process those vendor invoices?
Are you missing out on trade discounts?
Is the cost of processing vendor invoices becoming a problem?
The goal of A/P Pro is to eliminate the need for A/P staff members to spend time processing transactions which match correctly. This allows them to spend more time working with those transactions that have problems or that need research.
A/P Pro simplifies the processing of accounts payable invoices by providing 3-way matching intelligence. Vendor invoices are compared against the purchase order and the receiver(s). If all three documents have the same information (items ordered, items received, items billed, cost per unit, etc.), the transaction is flagged as “Approved for Payment”. If there is any mis-match between those documents, the transaction is flagged as “Needs Review”.
The goal of A/P Pro is to eliminate the need for A/P staff members to spend time processing transactions which match correctly.
A/P Pro works with any accounting software package that can import and export .csv files, including Great Plains, Dynamics GP, Business Central, QuickBooks, and many more. No changes are needed to the existing accounting software.
- Speed up the processing of accounts payable invoices
- Reduce the cost per invoice of processing accounts payable invoices
- Process more invoices is less time with no increase in headcount
- Improve cash flow by taking trade terms discounts
- Build better relationships with vendors by paying promptly
Our Archived Court Reporter Notes app is the most widely used service for court reporters to upload copies of their notes to the Courts. First developed for the Los Angeles County Superior Court in 1989, it is used by more than 25 of the largest Superior Courts and by more than 80% of the official court reporters in California alone.
ITG has worked with small and mid-sized airports for a number of years and has developed a number of apps specifically targeted to airport management issues.
Our most recent release is a cloud-based app that allows passengers in an airport to quickly and easily obtain information about hours of service, contact telephone numbers, security, airline counters, rental cars, parking, TSA, shopping, and concessions in the airport.
aeroMETRICS is a new app that provides access to the DOT Airline Passenger data. This app is designed for and priced for small to mid-sized airports and is available on a subscription basis.
ITG has more than 30 years of experience providing document management solutions. We can assist with both in-house imaging systems and cloud-based document management systems. We can also assist with the scanning of old paper files for long-term archival of important business records.