New! Accounts Payable 3-Way Match Tools!
We are pleased to announce the release of A/P Pro, a new app for processing accounts payable transactions. A/P Pro performs a 3-way match, checking the purchase order, the receiver(s), and the vendor invoice(s) to see if all the information matches correctly.
The goal of A/P Pro is to eliminate the need for A/P staff members to have to touch the transactions that match correctly.
While there will always be some transactions that have mis-matches, typically 50% or more of the transactions are simple and do match correctly. The A/P staff does not need to spend any time on those transactions. The time saved allows them to spend more time on the transactions that do have mis-matches and which need research and corrections.
A/P Pro works with any accounting system that can import and export data in .csv format.
A/P Pro does not make any changes to the existing accounting software or data. The accounting software exports out each night all new purchase order, receiver, and vendor invoice information.
A/P Pro processes that data and creates a .csv file for the transactions that match correctly which can then be imported by the accounting software.
A/P Pro is designed for companies with 100 A/P transactions or more per day.
Please see the A/P 3-Way Matching section of our web page for more information or give us a call at (949) 727-2001. We would be pleased to set up a time to review A/P Pro with you in more detail or to set up a time for a demo.